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Organic Nettle Leaf Extract


1oz Organic Nettle Leaf

🍃 According to Medical Medium, Nettle leaf is a star adaptogen, ideal for supporting our bodies through periods of stress. Nettle leaf contains a vast ocean of more than 700 undiscovered phytochemicals. It is life-giving and helps with life-lengthening, it’s an amazing anti-inflammatory for tired organs, and contains healing alkaloids yet to be discovered through scientific research.

In countless cases where a woman’s reproductive system is considered the problem, such as when it comes to hormonal health, it’s really the adrenals that need help as the adrenal glands share the job equally of producing estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone in women. This is where nettle leaf can help. This anti-radiation wild food is amazing for pampering the adrenal glands and other members of the endocrine system that are overburdened, overworked, and overfatigued. Since the ovaries are part of the endocrine system, nettle is a win-win—it helps address multiple sources of hormone disruption at once.

Nettle leaf is the ultimate reproductive herb of all time, especially for women. It helps enhance egg production by supporting the follicle-stimulating hormone that’s integral to producing an ovum, and also rids the body of toxic estrogens that have entered from outside sources such as plastics and pesticides. Rich with bone-building and bone-protecting herbs such as silica, nettle leaf also has more than 40 trace minerals in their most bioactive, bioavailable, and assimilable states. All of this, plus nettle is helpful as a potent pain reliever that enhances our ability to thrive.

How To Use:

Consume nettle leaf in an alcohol-free tincture or as nettle tea.

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